a global community
Time: April 4, 2011 to April 15, 2011
Location: http://www.e-agriculture.org/en/forums
Website or Map: http://www.e-agriculture.org
Event Type: online, forum
Organized By: e-Agriculture.org and CIARD
Latest Activity: Apr 1, 2011
The topic of sharing and interoperability of data and information for agricultural research for development is being addressed in an e-consultation hosted by e-Agriculture from 4 to 15 April. “Building the CIARD Framework for Data and Information Sharing” is now live at http://www.e-agriculture.org/en/forums and will feed into an international Expert Consultation in Beijing from 20 to 23 June.
We encourage everybody to participate! Contributions to the e-consultation should ideally be provided in English, but French and Spanish will also be accepted and will be summarized in English.
Join the discussion on Monday 4 April, as we begin addressing the following questions:
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