a global community
Time: April 19, 2011 from 1pm to 3pm
Location: Internet :: http://www.webideapro.com
Website or Map: http://www.a-i-a.com/k-net
Phone: skype = applied-intelligence
Event Type: interactive, conversation, online
Organized By: Joel Muzard
Latest Activity: Apr 8, 2011
A Knowledge lab is a space of intelligent conversations done with pleasure and trust, with zero tolerance to any form of harassment. If you are in the Montreal area, you may want to join us in our «Espace Creatif G-99 / The Creative Space G-99». If you are in a place with Internet access, you are invited to join us online.
We are reflecting on the similarities between an Open Space and a Knowledge-Lab. Some ideas are already on the Knowledge Base.
This April Event theme is about «Co-construction of Business Processes in Real Time to create value» What are the outcomes?
Participate and share your insights and experiences.
K-LAB, a short version for Knowledge-Lab, is a virtual space where knowledge specialist craft ideas, information, and knowledge through an ongoing online dialogue and a visual language. K-LAB can be thought of as an online Knowledge-Café, a virtual Open Space in real time on Internet.
Both the K-Lab and the training session require registration. To register follow the link below:
note if the donate link above does not work for you, click here on donate! and at the bottom of that page click on the donate logo
13 members
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63 members
31 members
344 members
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