Dear all,

I believe that it is very important that every Project Implementation Unit must be able (and allowed) in evaluate not only its results in terms of outreach but also the performance of the staff involved, at every level. In conducting this evaluation (and auto-evaluation) the organization will become stonger and stronger (for example, weakness could be identified and "fixed" with ad hoc trainings) ...but of course there are high risks of misunderstunding and mismanagement of this tool...

What is your experience and what practical advice could you give me?

Many thanks


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Dear Jaap,

Very interesting indeed. I have have asking the same question to a lot of people, I guess there is not just 1 simple anwer. A lot depends on the context on the "management" style and the political and cultural context o the project.

What is sure that it is defenitly important that the project has in place formal or informal mechanisms to perceive the satisfaction and to assess the performance (not only in terms of # of activities implemented) of the staff in order to go in the direction od EMPOWERMENT and improved performance and dialogue.

The search continues...

Jaap Pels said:

See attached.

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