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Dear Colleagues....Looking to upload and transfer just over 50,000 documents to Google Drive from another document repository. This involves downloading these documents (standard file types: word, excel, pdf, etc) and re-uploading to Google Drive.
Has anyone worked with any firms who has done this before? Need to get this done rather urgently. If anyone knows of any small companies who do this type of work, please reply. This work can also be done remotely. Much thanks!
best regards
Daka Mohamed
Knowledge Specialist, UNFPA
Hi Daka,
We use google drive to store our document (most of it) although it is not so big as yours.
We might be able to help you out.
Please kindly email the detail to imulyadi@yahoo.co.id (private) or imulyadi@mmb.ngo (work)
Imam Mulyadi
Knowledge Director
Mentor Micro Foundation
Much thanks Imam! We have located a supplier, but I will certainly keep this in mind as it is always a good thing to gain additional knowledge and perhaps even lessons learned.
kind regards
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