by - Dan Obeng Manteaw, [a Writer] Ghana

Imagine, if irrespective of your persistency in proposal submission, you are turned down to a funding source, for no apparent reason, what will you do then?
Will you quit from implementing your noble idea to save humanity or you will still pursue the federal grant search?
Remember, “Winners never quit and quitters never win”.
Therefore, the most intelligent alternative is to carefully adopt what the expert call “CROWDFUNDING”.
There are other options to select, depending on your preferences.
Virtually, I’ve embarked on numerous self-sponsored community sustainability / development projects in Ghana; - from national sensitization crusades, gender issues, advocacy and social enterprise capacity. I’ll be grateful to share my experience to the world, if you will keep on reading my KM posts.
I vehemently believe in the affirmation of self sufficiency in institutional practices and administration; because, it will undoubtedly ease grant writing tension and promote the practice of self-reliance and managerial dignity in organizational performances.
Nowadays, the increasing competition of proposals and decreasing availability of funds from donors are rendering the CARE-GIVING and not-for-profit business a bit hard to comply.
Currently, money is scarce and grants are difficult to come by. The issue of grant funding has become rare nowadays.
Statistically, more than $855 billion was awarded in grants, with $520 billion from the Federal Government and $65 billion from foundations and corporations in 2013. The remaining funds were hopefully obtained from individual donors and bequests. This analogy explains to the fact, - that grant seekers can devise strategic plans to raise funds within for administrative and miscellaneous consumption. Also, it will be very intelligent to study the tips and tricks or the do and don’ts of crowd-funding. [Interested members on this platform should not hesitate to reach me electronically for in-depth analysis].
One major key to attaining crowdfunding success is by creating a good video that sells your campaign to potential donors. Also, it is good to be conservative and realistic in setting your fundraising goal.
For these reasons, you should focus at the overall visual design and the contents of your crowdfunding site. Let your information correspond to your demand. This can be as simple as coordinating the background colors of your page to match the photographic images you are displaying. Above all, adding creativity to design your site professionally tells that you’ve really paid rapt attention to detail, which will aid you to address your case effectively to your unfamiliar audience.
Remember, time is money therefore when making any video clip, try to summarize your input because; many people cannot sit for long period to watch documentaries on the screen. The video should be short, exciting and get the viewer fired up and wanting to read more about what you are offering.
For the best of it, look for a documentary of other successful crowdfunding campaigns and watch their videos for more inspiration. People who have successfully raised a lot of money through crowdfunding typically recorded very good clips; it’ll therefore be intelligent to learn from their breakthrough experience.
Try to consider the length of your campaign. It matters a lot! It’ll be very intelligent to extend the duration than to shorten it and hit below the belt. Brainstorm the entire project with your admin / staff before you launch it. Remember, the success of the project is significant than to do it any how.
Besides, there are numerous pragmatic efforts that grant seekers can strategically develop indigenously to solicit for support in cash and kinds to be able to respond affirmatively to laudable goals.
Some of these attempts are:
1. To plant a monthly dues on its registered membership, if the organization has a fat membership on its list.

2. To adopt social enterprise strategy by embarking on agriculture transaction activities with the youth to domesticate and to raise funds support organizational projects.

3. To add a pinch of salt into the soup, not-for-profit outfits can also develop and implement fundraising events with residential religious institutions to increase fiscal support to run their activities.

4. Also, we cannot isolate the access of SMS code activation fundraising in conjunction with a national or international IT service provider. This entry could be legitimately registered with any of your preferred communication network organizations or SMS service providers’ in your country. They will issue you a-four digit SMS text code to publicize it. A lion’s share of the proceeds would be to your organizational merit. Remember the wise saying, “Little drops of water makes the mighty ocean”. Really, ‘slow motion is better than no motion’.

5. On another hand, local financial institutions like Rural Banks, micro-financial institutions, petty traders, market women, individual philanthropists’, opinion leaders and other corporate bodies could be of good support to assist needy organizations with crafty idea carry out their innovative projects.

6. Serious minded organization can also organize series of adventurous events in collaboration with passionate volunteers to raise funds. It could be marathon cycling, brisk walk [tramp], football, or any creative program that could inspire people especially getting to a festive occasion.

7. On the round table, do not trade in the darkness! Get advertised! Let the world hear what you want to say loud and clear on mass media communication platforms. Post bills, stickers and so forth to express your purpose.

Every foundation’s financial support should be based on a solid strategic plan of what they want to accomplish and the specific areas that they wish to fund. The management set the expectations and standards of the plan of action or research. Factually, foundations do vary, but those that make great difference are:-
• collaborative,
• supportive, and have
• clear, well-defined programs that are suitable to the populace residing within the jurisdiction.
For this noble reason, it will be advisable that the management in partnership with grantees and the community should brainstorm on creative and innovative initiatives to ensure that the results they are both seeking for are carefully scrutinized in every step of the implementation.
If these qualities are mapped successfully on paper, it will in no failure marry the concepts of the involved partners and the public into seconding the funding of local fundraising events. It is good to remember that a shared mission and goal between the foundation and its target donors strengthens the relationship of giving. Therefore, learn how to smartly blend your programs to enable you receive a thump-up from individual, especially those within your reach. Literally, every good marriage depends on making the exact match and having the transparent vision and passion to make the difference for the beneficiaries they wish to serve.
May I ask this straightforward question again? Just imagine, if irrespective of your persistency in proposal submission, you are turned down to a funding source for no apparent reason, what will you do then?
Will you quit from implementing your noble idea to save humanity or you will still pursue the federal grant search?
Remember, “Winners never quit and quitters never win”.
I think the most intelligent alternative is to adopt “CROWDFUNDING”
The concept of crowdfunding has come a long way since 2008, when a group of UC Berkeley MBA students officially launched Indiegogo. It’s now a multibillion-dollar industry growing literally exponentially and globally.
My research philosophy suggests that the application of crowdfunding will grow more than 100 percent in 2015, because according to various industry sources, it grew 60-80 percent in 2012.
Whiles the roots of crowdfunding remain firm in the United States; the movement holds much promise and has massive implications for the global economy.
In the space of only five years, crowdfunding has grown from a handful of sites to nearly 1,000 platforms operating on every continent except Antarctica.
Entrepreneurs are using crowdfunding to raise either debt or equity financing for their businesses in 27 countries, and that list is rapidly multiplying.
Crowdfunding is attracting global interest as a simple but transformative concept. Someone proposes a business, charitable or creative project on a crowdfunding website. If convinced, tens, hundreds or even thousands of individuals commit relatively small amounts of capital to support the idea or business. Taken together, these contributions are significant enough to turn the idea into a commercial reality.
Crowdfund investing is a modern and potentially most powerful model for crowdfunding: instead of donating or lending money, investors receive an equity share in the business.
We cut through the confusion and hype around using crowdfunding to raise money for NGOs and non-profits. Crowdfunding provides a powerful new tool for you to engage the community, increase donations and amplify your message effectively.
With this program, I’ll be glad if permitted to introduce to you Sherwood’s practical strategies for implementing crowdfunding to increase donations. [Sherwood Neiss is one of America’s most trusted authorities on Crowdfunding. He wrote ‘Crowdfund Investing For Dummies’. He is among the founders of the modern crowdfunding movement. He has been featured on giant mass media screens in the States on crowdfunding engagements].
There are many related backgrounds to support this modern application. Crowdfunding has exploded as a global phenomenon and revolutionized the way artists and entrepreneurs get their funding.
Now Religious Organizations, NGOs and Nonprofits are seriously taking advantage of this innovation to amplify their messages, reach more people, and increase the size of their donations; therefore, what are you waiting for? Do not sit on the fence! Get involved in the practice for rapid results.
Recent advances in technology and the rise of the social web has made this application possible and has led to the emergence of crowdfunding around the world. Virtually, professional fundraisers, individual volunteers, ministers and others are benefiting from this new way of raising money for the causes they believe in and I am afraid of the likely intrusion of false solicitors in the near future, if order is not injected into its operations.
It’ll be a great advantage to adopt and implement this model for your organizational financial support and change.
For detailed information on this inviting subject, please do not hesitate to contact me on the following sites:
KM4Dev.Daniel Obeng Manteaw
Facebook.Daniel Obeng Manteaw
Facebook.Generation Of Total Health And Development

On the end note, this is my submissions.
If any of my platform audience has once or twice failed at funding their startup, what lessons have they learned from their shortfalls?
What accounted for its’ occurrence and what are you doing about it to curb the lost?
Let us share your experience in order not to fall victim to failure.
Thank you.

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