Symposium on Valerie Brown's work on the collective mind 9-11 December 2013

The symposium is based on Valerie's work on the collective mind. It is addressed to the whole of Oceania (Australasia and the Pacific) and particularly to indigenous interests. Indigenous here applies to everybody in their environmental context. 

Oceania Ecohealth Symposium, Melbourne University 9-11 December 2013
Collective Thinking Linking Indigenous, Environmental and Social Health

The symposium hosted by Professor Kerry Arabena, Chair of Indigenous Health at Melbourne University, draws on the book The human capacity for transformational change. Harnessing the collective mind”. by Valerie A.Brown and John A. Harris (Earthscan-Routledge 2014).This book is set in a world undergoing radical cultural, environmental, political and professional change. It has found that both master-thinkers and visionaries have reframed the traditional division of parts and wholes, stability and change, individual and environment, and rational and creative thinking from opposites to patterns of dynamic relationships. This reframing of opposites as interconnected wholes leads to a realisation of the power of a collective mind. In all cultures.a collective mind can be accessed through asking the full set of introspective, physical, social, ethical, aesthetic, sympathetic, and finally, reflective questions. Resulting collective social structures already in practice include a collective language, a transformation science, a deep democracy, a common pool economy, a method of collective learning, and a shared identity. Together these offer a prototype of a collective world. Symposium%20flyer2.pdf

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Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for bringing this to our attention Sarah!Will there be another event in Sydney? I'd love to attend, but don't think I'll be able to make it to Melbourne unfortunately.

Is anyone attending the Development Futures Conference at UTS in Sydney next month (Nov 21-22)? Should we plan another KM4Dev Downunder meet-up?

Hi Charlotte

I don't know if there will be a Sydney event - unless you want to arrange one :-) I don't know more than this so please get in touch with Valerie. Hope all well. Regards


Charlotte Scarf said:

Thanks for bringing this to our attention Sarah!Will there be another event in Sydney? I'd love to attend, but don't think I'll be able to make it to Melbourne unfortunately.

Is anyone attending the Development Futures Conference at UTS in Sydney next month (Nov 21-22)? Should we plan another KM4Dev Downunder meet-up?


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