Hello all,

As mentioned by email on Dgroup, I'm compiling a list of your favourite blogs and blog posts about facilitation (and KM, as much as possible). An annotated selection will be made available on the list but meanwhile hereby the full list of links you have shared with me - sorry it's unsorted, to get order you'll have to wait for the journal (chaos is beautiful anyway, you sort it all out as you like ;)

Thank you all!

And keep them coming (I can edit this ad lib). 

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Blogs of various amazing graphic facilitators http://graphicfacilitation.blogs.com/

http://michellelaurie.com/ Michelle Laurie - doesn't post frequently, but high value

This guy, Ewen LeBorgne's stuff... you might have heard of him

Here is a link to Dave Pollard's blog mentioned above - he comes from a KM history as well http://howtosavetheworld.ca/

Tree Bresson doesn't blog per se http://treegroup.info/

Gisela Wendling hasn't blogged in a while. I miss her posts http://www.liminalsonglines.com/ It is interesting to note that quite a few voices I've appreciated have stopped blogging in the last two years. I find this interesting

Peggy Holman http://peggyholman.com/

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