a global community
The question for the first discussions and research efforts is:
Does KM4Dev have to be a community? Or is it good enough if it is a platform that provides desired services?
Just had a late breaking thought. It is whatever we imagine it is in our head and collectively it is a delusion. ;-)
I did a bunch of interviews about 10 years ago [of several online educational communities] that suggested that people at the center were definitely thinking "community" and people on the periphery were thinking "service." Maybe that's a cause of peripherality as well as a result.
Another idea that just came to my mind is the possibility of conducting interviews with people around the network (any combination of the following: some core group members, some other very engaged members, some less engaged members, some lurkers, some people outside the network that fit the target group of the network)?
Any thoughts on this?
Or shall we move on to the next question?
I was just re-reading this report: CPsquare / SCOPE Quarterly Fieldtrips: KM4Dev Field Trip Report and noticed this statement at the bottom of page 10:
All of this raised an interesting question – is KM4Dev more of a service than a community? And how important is that distinction? Service means access to information and experts to answer questions, get new ideas, and hear about new practices. Community means something deeper, where KM4Dev is a professional home and it gives people support that can only come from interaction with other professionals. In some ways the two can co-exist, but they have different implications in terms of value to members and resources required. No definite conclusions were drawn and realistically it’s probably both and it may be impossible to be conclusive about exactly what resources are essential for the community to survive.
Hmm... I thought the assumption was that "a lot of effort is spent trying to be a community" and it's wasted because just trying to offer desired services takes less effort and is good enough.
But your point number 9 is crucial, I think. And I agree with where you end up, Philipp.
A meta-question: could these questions be resolved through argumentation, or would we need to identify instances that represent the categories in order to communicate usefully amongst a group that is seeking to establish common ground?
The first things that come to my mind are:
I hope this makes kind of sense. This is not an academic piece of research and much depends of course on how one defines community and platform? I also feel that this is a question only the community can answer.
What do you/others think? Does this enquiry beg the (survey?) question: What are the services that you expect from a KM4Dev platform?
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