The IKM Emergent Update, March 2011 is available at:



IKM Emergent - Update

March 2011


IKM Background

IKM Emergent is a research and communication programme founded on a critical analysis of current practice in the use of all forms of knowledge, including formal research, within the international development sector.  It is based on an international network of development practitioners. To find out more about the programme see the IKM Emergent site for more details.


Latest news from IKM

Multiple knowledges, multiple languages: are the limits of my langu...: Valerie A. Brown, Vol. 6, issue 2, p.120-131

Progress to date of the IKM Emergent Research Programme: synthesis,...: Mike Powell and Sarah Cummings, Vol. 6, issue 2, p.132-150


IKM Highlights

Linked Open Information for Development- Reflections, discussions and resources

New technical developments in linked and open information will have a major impact on development information. Despite claims of instant returns emanating from assorted techno-enthusiasts, the real question is whether this impact will be positive. IKM Emergent is concerned that linked, open information has the same potential to privilege certain sorts and sources of information over others; filter out the voices of the poor and marginalised; and centralise both thought and power in ways which render development assistance less effective as well as less equitable. Anyone interested in participating in detailed work on these issues is welcome to join an emerging community of practice, LinkInfo4Dev, moderated by Hugo Besemer.

  • IKM Discussion Note: This discussion note provides a brief explanation of what linked open information is and why it might matter.
  • Draft Report of a workshop in November 2010 which discusses both the positive and negative potential of the widespread adoption of linked, open information within the development sector.
  • Linked data experiment: Read postings on this subject posted on the Giraffe platform.
  • IFPRI has taken the Global Hunger Index (GHI) as an example and published it as a linked data RDF files and documented the experience.
  • Tim Berners Lee - the inventor of the Web - outlines the next layer of the web - linked data experiment, the machine readable web.


Upcoming events

  • KM Impact Challenge Unconference: 6 May 2011, Washington DC, USA:
  • Lost and found in traducture: 27-29 May 2011, Windsor, UK:  SIDENSI and IKM Emergent are organising a joint international interdisciplinary colloquium to address critical issues of traducture by bringing together translation and information knowledge production and management practitioners to share insights, experiences, strategies, techniques, tools and methodologies. More information to follow shortly at
  • Rethinking development in an age of scarcity and uncertainty: 19-22 September 2011, York, UK: 13th General Conference of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) and the UK Development Studies Association (DSA)


IKM Emergent resources

The following resources produced by the programme are freely available online.


IKM online

IKM Emergent site: the site, like the programme it is part of, aims to explore, through multiple lenses and a variety of perspectives, what information and knowledges are used in the international development sector, how they are expressed, handled and received, and the possibilities for change. 

The Giraffe Blog: a platform for sharing reflections and information on knowledge for development




Flickr: (public group)

LinkdIn: (public group)

Delicious tagged links: These are links that have been highlighted by IKM Emergent as of interest.  


Join us online:

 Join the IKM Emergent mailing list  & the new IKMEmergent group on KM4Dev.

Contact IKM Emergent: Mike Powell, Director, or Sarah Cummings IKM Emergent Secretariat, EADI, Kaiser Friedrich Strasse 11, D-53113, Bonn, Germany.

Views: 137


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