
KM4Dev Scholars

Km4dev scholars is a group for people interested in sharing, feeding back and fostering scholar activities: theoretical or conceptual discussions, peer review of papers, organisation of academic spaces.    

Members: 24
Latest Activity: Feb 15, 2022


KM Journal wanted! 2 Replies

Dear colleagues, I'm working on a PhD in Applied Linguistics, doing research on project communication and knowledge management. I've created a KM concept for an international research project…Continue

Started by Kristina Pelikan. Last reply by Kristina Pelikan Dec 11, 2014.

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Comment by ALEJANDRO BALANZO on November 18, 2014 at 2:31pm

Hi everybody! Seems that we've been busy for a while. I have something to share, would you like to give it a try before the end of the year?

Raise your hands and we'll make it work!



Comment by ALEJANDRO BALANZO on September 8, 2014 at 11:00am

Sebastiao, that's great! I talked to Sarah and we will be sharing through a private d-group. I'll let you know soon how will be the inscription procedure.

As for the principles and practices, I could think of one simple rule to respect: The authors will give instructions so as to handle the paper. This, on the assumption that some of them won't care about the paper being quoted as "unpublished", while others prefer the paper not to circulate until submitted or published. What do you think about it? Do you think is enough?

Comment by Sebastiao Mendonça Ferreira on September 7, 2014 at 1:40pm

Hi Alejandro, in a few days I will have my first draft ready for distribution. How could be the mechanisms for sharing? Should we agree on some principles and practices beforehand? 

Comment by Kristina Pelikan on August 29, 2014 at 10:19pm

Hello colleagues,

I'm working on my PhD on project communication&knowledge management (Applied Linguistics) in international research projects - happy to join and contribute here! :-)

Comment by Sebastiao Mendonça Ferreira on August 29, 2014 at 10:02pm

I do agree with you on taking measures to protect unpublished materials. We can use a private mail list. I also agree on some principles and norms among us. If you could prepare these norms, it would be great. I think that Sarah Cummings may help us in preparing the norms, for her experience as editor of the journal.

Comment by ALEJANDRO BALANZO on August 29, 2014 at 5:44pm

Sebastiao, I have been thinking of some considerations regarding scholar specificities to define a way to share it.

My assumption is that it is likely that we'll be sharing drafts and unpublished works. For those of us working in universities there is indeed pressure to protect the texts while they are published.  

So I think we could use a private mail list and agree on basic academic respect. I will send an e-mail to all of us so you can share your briefing back.  

If any of the members have any ideas, I am happy to discuss about it. 

Comment by Sebastiao Mendonça Ferreira on August 28, 2014 at 5:39pm

Alejandro, first I have to prepare the briefing. I can do this weekend. My idea is to share the briefing with the group. Give me a hint on how is the best way to share. Once it was shared, we can define a date for a conversation. I am in LA and we can schedule for my morning times. 

Comment by John Emeka Akude on August 28, 2014 at 3:51pm

Hey KM4Devers,

I am finally in. Please find attached a link to my latest publication on K4D:

As usual, all comments are most welcome.

Comment by ALEJANDRO BALANZO on August 25, 2014 at 12:10pm

Dan, here an interesting keynote, by Kuhlmann:

Comment by ALEJANDRO BALANZO on August 25, 2014 at 11:37am

Hi Dan, I know Kuhlmann and Rip had done some reflections on STI policymaking about 'the challenge to address grand challenges'. I think we should strive to go beyond STI sector, however is a good signal there is something going on there. You can take a look at it here:


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