Name (Do NOT forget to upload a picture; that helps being admitted to KM4Dev)
Knowledge management and development consultant
Organization Type
Areas of KM Expertise
Organisational Learning, Online Facilitation, Social Web/Web 2.0, Communities of Practice, Research, Knowledge Capture, Knowledge Mapping, Narrative & Storytelling, Information Management, Intranet/Enterprise Portal/Information Systems, KM Strategies, Evaluating and Monitoring KM, Thematic/Knowledge Networks, Other
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Hi Gwen, My name is Elias and I'm the coordinator of the "African Community Week" event. I want to buddy up with you /if you are not occupied/ and exchange insights for our main online event on march 28, from 12pm-3pm south African time or 1pm-4pm EAT. Please reply to this if you are interested as we dont have much time.
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Hi Gwen, My name is Elias and I'm the coordinator of the "African Community Week" event. I want to buddy up with you /if you are not occupied/ and exchange insights for our main online event on march 28, from 12pm-3pm south African time or 1pm-4pm EAT. Please reply to this if you are interested as we dont have much time.