My Flickr gallery for the 2009 workshop

Dear all,

please feel free to have a look at my Flikr pictures gallery and try to find you amongst the folks I managed to get on my camera.

Many thanks to all of you for this wonderful experience and, see you next year !!!

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Comment by Samir Bejaoui on October 12, 2009 at 11:45pm
Oops my fault ... now it's done many thanks for reminding me !!
By the way, could you remind me when you'll be coming to Rome and what for?

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Comment by Nancy White on October 12, 2009 at 6:35am
These are great, Samir. Could you also please tag them km4dev and km4dev09 - that way they will show up across Flickr accounts for anyone interested in KM4dev and the gathering. If you search on that term now, for example, you will see pictures from many of us. Thanks!

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