hi fans,
I’m a public educator on various issues: health,education,sanitation,gender,advocacy,etc.
I have a burning desire for the survival of humanity, and therefore have established NGO that campaign against any perilous issues that are likely to exterminate humanity. The NGO registration name is : GENERATION OF TOTAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT [GEOTHAD]
It campaigns against any emerging situation that puts the country in jeopardy.
The NGO was formed as an integrated community development organization to demonstrate its commitment to assisting the government curbs some of the perilous issues in the country.
It is a social welfare development organization dedicated to raise individual’s standards of living for the sake of humanitarianism. GEOTHAD seeks to bring great improvement into the socio-economic foundation in the community that it operates.
GEOTHAD strongly believes there must be innovation in the creation of mental illness awareness and other bothering social issues such as stigmatization, personal skill acquisition etc. to continually remind the public to be conscious of their dispensations.
Mental illness is a catastrophe that cuts deep across all boundaries. International, National, and Local level. It is a debilitating blow to the local communities in both developing and under-developed nations as a whole.
Websites: facebook.com Generation Of Total health And Development

Anyway, we do not have any funding source from donor agencies, but we are trying our best by mobilizing resources from our personal activities to support the organization. A natural mineral water company called SAFINA in 2011 supported my water intake [aqua sponsorship] during my national cycling solo adventure in the L & B of Ghana. Visit facebook. Daniel Obeng Manteaw to view photos and more.. also goggle.ghana news agency.danielobengmanteaw.a young Ghanaian cyclist….
Currently, there is a problem in the psychiatry sector of Ghana. Over-congestion of MENTALLY RECOVERED INMATES at the mental hospital facilities because of issues of stigmatization and reintegration episodes. These phenomena have dreadfully swelled administrative spending in the facilities, and has impeded new admission of patients. Very serious!
As a mental health activist, I have proposed to establish THE 1ST MENTALLY RECOVERED INMATES REHABILITATION FARM IN GHANA to recruit and skillfully train the inmates in agriculture practices to promote food security, socio-economic development and to foster self-reliance in a stigmatized world.
I’ve arranged for 5 miles square of fertile land to launch this laudable vision, to solve population and employment issue in the Ghana. The success of it will entice me to replicate the idea in any of the African countries.
I’ve written to the relevant authorities in Ghana for a sponsorship and support to carry out this noble idea but to no avail. Though I’ve not given up in the search. I want to employ crowdfunding module and other innovative strategies to reach individual philanthropists for a donation on the net. I’ll need your assist to develop a website for that purpose.
I’ve visited www. Howard G. Buffett Foundation.org for a consideration and have mailed an inquiry letter; therefore, I’m wait for the posting of their official proposal format, to enable me thunder the idea on document. I’ll let you read through before I submit it so as to scale it max.
Could you please link me to any other relevant donor source which’ll buy into the idea? Most of the sites that support mental health initiatives do not officially operate in my country.
In 2011, I has the credit of accomplishment on a countrywide mental health educative crusade and fund raising bicycle tour; that took off from Accra Psychiatric Hospital in September to October 2011, through Cape Coast, Sekondi Takoradi, Obuasi, Kumasi, Sunyani, and to the remaining capital towns of Ghana, through Volta Region, Tema, and back to Accra; to commemorate the official launch of the 2011 WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY CELEBRATION in Ghana. I did it VOLUNTARILY for GHANA MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION.
Fans, can you also link me to any organization in need of such a creative mass media educative campaign? I am willing to tour in any African country. Some 3,000 and over km to launch my book in a grand style.
I’ve also authored series of books that need to be published for schools on the globe.
It is a learning skill development book enriched with tried and tested formulae that teaches students how to develop their recall capacities.
Generation of Total Health and Development is in need of support in kinds and cash from all works of life to be enable to carry out its constituted plans effectively.
It shall need motor bikes, emergency ambulance, and four-wheeled drive vehicle [4x4] to enable the staff transport and pay visit to patients and vulnerable people.

It shall also need film projectors, and stand-by power generator to feature educative documentaries on social issues to the public of gratis.

It shall need office equipments including desktop computers, scanners, digital cameras, photocopier machines, printing machines, Etc. To reproduce free educative literatures to inform and sensitize individuals to be conscious and proactive in their various dispensations in life.

It needs second hand or used clothing and footwear, bed sheets, mattresses, detergents, razors, hand surgical gloves, buckets, toiletries, to mention a few, to serve our numerous clients.

THANK YOU. Daniel, Accra-Ghana.

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