The uptake of wildlife research in northern Botswana: some findings

After years of part-time study, my PhD work is done: The Uptake of Wildlife Research in Botswana: a Study of Productive Interactions was formally accepted by Stellenbosch University in 2021. Sending thanks to the South African National Research Foundation, Elephants without Borders, Government of Botswana, IDRC, and to the northern Botswana research community of practice for sharing ideas and conversations since 2014. And, of course, to my exceptional supervisor, Professor Nelius Boshoff at CREST.

The thesis makes the point that researchers need to engage with potential users at all stages of the research 'pipeline' to build the relevance, awareness, trust and understanding that lead to more uptake and use. I tried to follow this prescription during my own research and can now share the findings in a final step.

The entire thesis is being posted on Stellenbosch University's online repository, SUNScholar, free to read and download by mid-April 2021. Since its length somewhat reflects the amount of time I spent on the research, I have prepared several summary resources in more accessible formats that I hope explain the findings more briefly:

The work has helped me think about knowledge use and application in new ways, while learning more about how the academic system could be improved to facilitate production of relevant and actionable knowledge.

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Comment by Monica Morrison on August 21, 2021 at 10:59am

An update: the full text of my thesis is available here.

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