Three initiatives of BNNRC's successfully nominated to the Voting Phase for the UN World Summit on the Information Society Forum Prizes 2022

We are proud to announce that Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)’s three initiatives are supported by Switzerland under the project of Connecting and Empowering Voices for Just, Inclusive and Peaceful Society for the voting process of UN World Summit on the Information Society Forum Prizes 2022 (WSIS Prizes 2022)

Out of 1,000 submitted projects, 360 (twenty in each of the eighteen WSIS Action Line Categories) were nominated for the ongoing online voting phase The Winners will be selected among the first five most voted projects and announced during the special WSIS Prizes 2022 Ceremony, which will be held during the final week of the WSIS Forum 2022

The three initiatives are as follows. 

Category 4 — AL C4. Capacity building

Empowering Youth and Youth Women through Digital Literacy


Category 10 — AL C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life

Engage Youth and Youth women through social media for the Employment generation and


Category 16 — AL C9. Media

Fighting Against Misinformation, Disinformation and Mal-information through Community Radio in Bangladesh has been nominated for a Voting Phase for the UN World Summit on the Information Society Forum Prizes 2022 (WSIS Prizes 2022)


Now Voting is Open. Please register and vote at the earliest following this link.



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