Transitioning the evolution of Science : D and I is the hub of Science,but K is the edge of Science

The facts showing from , “Knowledge is the edge of Science but, Data and Information is the hub of Science” is the central issue surroundings KM. URL to great extend describing the arguments in recent world wide discussions especially related with the issue of KM definition. 

A bit of description on transitioning the evolution of Science cited from among others, ....... it is noted that the beginning of 21th century marked with Knowledge Management (KM) as prominent continuation of Data and Information Management. DIKW concept, stand for Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom continuum, becoming outstanding issue as well as KM becoming full blown phenomenon as a discipline entity, but marked with unique and somewhat “strange behavior” that so far, there is no acceptable and workable KM definition. Never before in human history of science, we could hardly define a learning object as in defining K as well as KM. The essence meaning of Scientific Knowledge still “blurring”, Knowledge as well as KM also challenged by : lack of clarity, absence of meaningful measures, lack of understanding of knowledge flow, complex and changing business environment, knowledge needs are context specific and differing perspectives lead to lack of alignment. It seems certainly we should find new paradigm to finding out the solution to addressing the future of K and KM ....... 

Your feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thank you 

Dr Md Santo 
o Founder “Social Networking and Learning Resources Site”

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