a global community
July 25, 2014 from 2pm to 5pm – ILRI campus - Information Centre Probable topics: KM tools share fair (Gashaw Kebede to lead organisation and check our Facebook page) UNICEF's 'communication for development' approach (person to be identified) Social implications… Organized by Ewen Le Borgne | Type: informal, gathering
April 3, 2015 from 2pm to 5pm – Information centre, ILRI Ethiopia Hello all, I would like to propose hosting another KM4Dev Addis/Ethiopia gathering on Friday 3 April from 2 to 5pm. This will be an Open Space - so you can bring your topics then. No particular pres… Organized by Ewen Le Borgne | Type: informal, gathering
June 26, 2015 from 2pm to 5pm – ILRI Addis Ababa Info Centre We will continue the conversation we started last time: How do you make KM attractive (a.o.) to managers and others? How do you measure it? What success stories can we show? How do people do it? An… Organized by Dawit Dagnew, Ewen Le Borgne, Zerihun Sewunet | Type: informal, gathering
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