a global community
A great customer support is what all of us look for in whichever part of the world we are: returning from the airport where the staff treats you well or in business favoring the supplier who not only meets its commitments but takes risks with us, going above and beyond to be there with you.
These same ideologies and benefits of excellent customer service and support apply to a complex enterprise as well. It is not just the mere exchange of goods and services but the perception we form the basis of our preferences that creates the customer-support experience for an individual.
With growth in the field of technology, IT companies are determined on altering the current legacy approach of “if you build it, they will come” into a self-motivated service provider approach, often said to as “IT-as-a-Service,” organizations should pay more attention towards the customer–service and support aspect.
The Internet has taken over and drastically changed the lives all over the world. The world is multi-faceted and emerging, it has overcome distance, time, language barrier and cultural barrier. There are organizations that are running 24*7, to support that level of working customer service and support will be a major differentiator. Few of the benefits of self-support:
Cost To The Company: Though self-support will not completely eliminate customer- support teams, it will lead to reduced support requests and calls.
More Visibility: A self-service support portal will bring traffic to your website organically. This will increase the ranking on Google search and bring down the cost involved in promoting or PPC.
Branding: Customers feel empowered when they are able to solve problems on their own. Self-service support will be like your 24/7 support agent, and customers will be able to get instant answers.
Better Productivity: It will help in answering those questions which are not too case specific and prevent employees from reaching out to e-mail and phone calls, hence increasing the productivity of support agents.
The modern customer expects to find the resolution to their problems without having to write an email to a support rep, open a chat discussion or pick up the phone and wait. Human customer-service teams are not becoming obsolete, it’s just technology helps your company optimize each worker’s potential while creating a comfortable solution for your customers to get the right information they need quickly. A customer support knowledge base saves you time and money on high-volume, simple questions, helping you avoid costly phone calls.
Please see the short video of KM platform called Knobis:
or email me at nancy.alexander@bellurbistech.com for more details
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