Dear colleagues, 

I'm working on a PhD in Applied Linguistics, doing research on project communication and knowledge management. I've created a KM concept for an international research project (project partners in GB, Belgium, Uganda, India, South Africa and Switzerland), I've implemented this and I lead the KM working group of this project.

Now, I'll write a paper about the whole KM process - from the concept, the implementation to the lessons learned. 

=> I'm looking for a journal, where I could publish this! 

Perhaps you have some suggestions for me?

As I want to use it for my PhD, it should at least be peer-reviewed...

Many thanks and all best,


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Hey Kristina,

There is knowledge management journal called Knowledge Management for Development Journal. You can access it here:

Or you may contact the Chief Editor at

Hope this helps.



Hi John,

many thanks for your feedback!

So you think my paper could fit into this journal?

Fine, that I'll contact the editor...

All best,



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