a global community
This group is meant to attract anyone interested to contribute actively and creatively to develop long term and sustainable funding models to finance our community:
Discussion and decision making on funding models is coordinated by the KM4Dev Core Group.
Website: http://wiki.km4dev.org/KM4Dev_Core_Group
Members: 40
Latest Activity: Oct 5, 2017
The live working document on KM4Dev Financing Models and Options: the place to add and comment ideas.
Attention please,I'll be glad, if we combine effort to seek to the establishment of K M Community Fund for Africa Development. If the thesis is voted for, the fund will be used to support…Continue
Started by Daniel Obeng Manteaw Apr 10, 2015.
Dear all, this is Peter J. Bury writing.
Wow, havn't been here for a while. Are any new ideas about fund raising for KM4Dev's fixed costs; special projects and; support to less endowed members to attend face2face events emerging?
Does anyone have experience with fund raising via Patreon?
I hope to update the wiki page with thoughts in funding models soon.
Hello my Beloved Associates,
Eventhough I am a new platform member but I am desirous to contribute.
My research philosophy suggests that the application of crowdfunding will grow more than 100 percent in 2016, because according to various industrial sources, it grew 60-80 percent in 2012 and 2013 respedtively.
Whiles the roots of crowdfunding remain firm in the United States; the movement holds much promise and has massive implications for the global economy.
In the space of only five years, crowdfunding has grown from a handful of sites to nearly 1,000 platforms operating on every continent except Antarctica.
We cut through the confusion and hype around using crowdfunding to raise money for NGOs and non-profits. Crowdfunding provides a powerful new tool for you to engage the community, increase donations and amplify your message effectively.
With this program, I’ll be glad if permitted to introduce to you Sherwood’s practical strategies for implementing crowdfunding to increase donations. [Sherwood Neiss is one of America’s most trusted authorities on Crowdfunding. He wrote ‘Crowdfund Investing For Dummies’. He is among the founders of the modern crowdfunding movement. He has been featured on giant mass media screens in the States on crowdfunding engagements].
There are many related backgrounds to support this modern application. Crowdfunding has exploded as a global phenomenon and revolutionized the way artists and entrepreneurs get their funding.
May I ask this straightforward question? Just imagine, if irrespective of your persistency in proposal submission, you are turned down to a funding source for no apparent reason, what will you do then?
Will you quit from implementing your noble idea to save humanity or you will still pursue the federal grant search?
Remember, “Winners never quit and quitters never win”.
I think the most intelligent alternative is to adopt “CROWDFUNDING”
Read my full detail on my walls.
Thank you.
Daniel obeng Manteaw. Accra Ghana
Catalina I am fully with you about flexibility. What would be interesting is if you could share any views on how to make the financing of KM4Dev running and activities on the one hand more flexible but on the other hand more sustained. The main issue in my view is that due to the world wide "crisis" both organizations and people are less prepared to co-resource initiatives like KM4Dev than in earlier years of our existence. Am I wrong?
Dear 33 members of this group. I'm very aware of being way behind with what I intended to document, make accessible and discuss with you all here. I renew my intention to work on this in the coming time.
I also intend to be more present here and interact with all of you! Grazie, Peter
Thnx John, Thnx Ewen, Thnx Carl
I'm sorry I'm way behind with updating the file that summarizes ideas till now. I hope to catch up soon.
This is the file by the way < problems with access, let me know!
And more generally, in all the contributions that have been made about "KM4Dev Futures": http://wiki.km4dev.org/Category:KM4DevFutures
Hello all, In those interviews of KM4Dev members (old and new) by Melissa there's a number of reflections on possible funding alternatives (towards the end of the interviews).
I think a mixed financing model is realistic as the world is like that, we might hope for one source and along comes another instead, so not good to be too limited in how we can take in funds. I guess it comes down to having a way to account for any funds that need specific financial reporting. As long as we have that capacity, we can seek, received and spend funds from mixed sources.
note if the donate link above does not work for you, click here on donate! and at the bottom of that page click on the donate logo
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