Wednesday,February 2
8:15 Registration
  • Coffee/tea/muffins

9:00-9:15 Welcome
  • Opening comments

THEME: Understanding Knowledge
OBJECTIVE: Organizational Understanding of KM
Provide a common understanding of Knowledge Management including how it applies to the field of international development and related development organizations.

9:15-9:35 Program and concept overview
  • basic working concepts, definitions, concept model
Facilitator: Lyle Makosky 

9:35-10:35 Keynote Presentation on Knowledge Management
  • history, current trends, key ideas, models, learning to date, areas to focus on in international development organizations
Presenter: Laurence Prusak (Executive Director, IBM Institute for Knowledge Management)

Time: 40 min.; Q & A: 15 min.

10:35-11:00 Break

11:00-11:45 Keynote Case Overview on Knowledge Management at the World Bank

Presenter: Stephen Denning (Program Director, Knowledge Management, World Bank)

Time: 30 min.; Q & A: 15 min.

11:45-1:00 Lunch

THEME: Defining Your Organization's Knowledge Business & Strategic Purpose
OBJECTIVE: Organizational Models for KM 
To enable participants to portray their organizational business model as it relates to KM, and to identify the strategic purpose and benefits of KM for their organization.

1:00-1:30 Strategic purpose of KM: international development organizational business models
  • overview of knowledge-oriented business/business line archetype models with development organization examples
  • overview of the organization's "value proposition" and KM strategic purpose
Presenter: Stuart Salter (Canadian International Development Agency) 

1:30-2:15 Exercise
  • apply model to own organization

2:15-2:35 Guidelines on setting purpose
  • brief presentation on "do's & don'ts"
Presenter: Louis de Merode (Silver Creek Associates) 


2:35-2:55 Break

2:55-3:30 Taking a Knowledge Inventory in Your Organization
  • overview of business process mapping
  • description of knowledge asset mapping with case studies from development organizations
Presenter: Chris Smart (International Development Research Centre) 

3:30-4:05 Exercise
  • apply model to own organization

4:05-4:20 Designing your Knowledge Strategy
  • overview of two core KM strategies, assessment of knowledge asset patterns to select strategy

4:20-5:00 International development community experience: knowledge strategy selection & implications
  • two brief presentations by international development community representatives
Presenter: Jean-Pierre B�guin (Inter-American Development Bank)
Title: The Knowledge Exchange Network fo the Inter-American Development Bank
View PDF document on IDB Knowledge Exchange Network

Presenter: Stephen Denning (World Bank)

Time: 20 min. each

Overnight Analysis
  • apply to own organization or archetype

Thursday, February 3

8:30 Coffee/tea/muffins

9:00-9:40 Knowledge Strategy Decision
  • debrief Overnight Analysis, learning

THEME: Managing the Knowledge Structure & Process
OBJECTIVE: Knowledge Management Approach
Provide insight and guidance to the development of a KM approach in a development organization by: i) identifying the key focus areas in an organization for a KM approach; ii) providing diagnostic aids to help self-assessment of readiness in each focus area; iii) providing guidance on the next stages of development that respond to the state of readiness.

9:40-10:00 Creating your Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing Strategy
  • overview, 'need to know' maps and sharing approaches
Presenter: Chris Smart (International Development Research Centre)

Time: 15 min.; Q & A: 5 min.

10:00-10:40 Communities of Practice
  • networks, sharing strategies
Presenter: Steve Glovinsky (United Nations Development Programme)
Title: Sub-Regional Resource Facilities and Communities of Practice

Presenter: Michael Litz (Benton Foundation) 

Presenter: Adrian Poplawski (CIDA)

Time: 20 min.; Q & A: 20 min.

10:40-11:10 Break

11:10-11:40 Strategies for Virtual Collaboration

Presenter: Steve Song (Bellanet International Secretariat) 

Time: 20 min.; Q & A: 10 min.

11:45-1:00 Lunch

1:00-1:10 Developing the Enabling Infrastructure for a KM Approach in Your Organization
  • general approach, model

THEME: Building a Knowledge Culture & Momentum
OBJECTIVE: Organizational Learning
Provide guidance and experience in how to foster an organizational culture that embraces, integrates and utilizes KM.

1:10-2:00 Maps, Models, and Metaphors: Leadership for a Knowledge Culture
  • gaining leadership buy-in, creating the 'space' to share, and overcoming resistance, incentives, and rewards
  • collaboration and consensus-building methods (with and without technology) based on 'virtual teams'
Presenter: Barbara Weaver Smith (Smith Weaver Smith Inc.)

Time: 40 min.; Q & A: 10 min.

2:05-2:50 Exercise

2:50-3:10 Break

3:10-3:15 Enabling Technology
  • overview

3:15-4:20 The Role of Technology

  • basic connectivity, content creation/ management, content analysis, enterprise search/retrieval, etc.
Presenter: Alison Sestina (DMR Consulting Group Inc.)

Presenter: Hugh Graham (World Bank)

Time: (50 min.); Q & A (15 min.)

4:20-5:00 Virtual Collaboration: Methods for Mission

Presenter: Barbara Weaver Smith (Smith Weaver Smith Inc.) 

Time: 30 min.; Q & A: 10 min.

5:00-6:00 Exercise
  • debrief, apply

6:00-6:30 Fostering KM networks in the international development community

Presenter: David Balson (Bellanet International Secretariat)

Evening Reception

Friday, February 4

8:00 Coffee/tea/muffins

8:30-8:35 Knowledge Process Stewardship
  • introduction, overview

8:35-9:20 Management framework, organizational structure, taxonomy, and quality control

Presenter: Louis de Merode (Silver Creek Associates)

Time: 30 min; Q & A (15 min.)

9:20-10:15 Exercise
  • debrief/apply

10:15-10:40 Break

10:40-10:45 People Skills and Development
  • introduction, overview

10:45-11:25 Human Resource practices related to Knowledge Management
  • HR methods & practices (skill identification, competency models, selection and promotion, etc.)
Presenter: Jennifer Smith (The Governance Network)

Time: 30 min.; Q & A (10 min.)

11:25-12:00 Exercise
  • key messages, guidelines for addressing this topic when developing KM in the organization

12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00-1:35 People Skills and Development, cont.
  • overview of 'learning and development' approaches for knowledge workers
Presenter: Dawn Nicholson-O'Brien (Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada)

Time : 25 min.; Q & A (10 min.)

1:35-2:30 Exercise
  • debrief, apply

THEME: Fostering Knowledge Management Networks
OBJECTIVE: Knowledge Networking 
Provide an opportunity for participating organizations to learn about collaborative approaches to the development of KM and to lay the groundwork for international networking and joint learning in the developmental community regarding KM.

2:30-3:30 Fostering KM Networks in the international development community - plenary exchange

Moderator: David Balson (Bellanet International Secretariat)

3:30-3:40 Summary: reflections on the workshop
  • observations on the session themes, highlights, progress, and path ahead

3:40-3:55 Next steps
  • workshop report, follow-up

3:55-4:00 Wrap-up
  • closing remarks

Last updated by kmfordev admin Jan 11, 2009.

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