On the rating of resources the following averages were obtained:
- Facilitation: 8.35 out of 10 (23 responses)
- Binder: 8.32 out of 10 (22 responses)
- Website: 8.00 out of 10 (19 responses)
In your opinion, which departments from your organisation should be represented at a workshop like this? Check as many as apply:
- Policy and/or Planning13
- Program Delivery 12
- Management of Information Systems (MIS)13
- Library 8
- Other:
- Human Resources 5
- Evaluation 4
- Partners in the South 2
- Southern offices 1
- Communications + Publishing Services 1
- Finance 1
Are there any other organisations that you would have liked to have seen in attendance at the workshop? Please specify:
- Development Research Instititutions
- European NGOs (other than UK-based)
- LBL (Swiss competence centre for agricultural extension)
- A Southern perspective
- OFSE (Austria)
- More consultants from other European countries (e.g. Geneva Knowledge Group)
- Information organisations (e.g. Dialog)
- Consultants (e.g. E & Y, Arthur Andersen)
- French aid program
- UN "content" organisations (e.g. FAO)
- The South deserves a separate workshop
- This group is appropriate as a CoP
Topics that you would like to have seen included?
- Some time for trying out practical application (e.g. of mapping) � role playing
- In-depth knowledge mapping (more concrete)
- More practical sessions
- More about organisational learning
- Making knowledge sharing relevant to the poor; how can KM contribute to development in the South
- Knowledge strategy and its relation to the organisation�s fundamental mission / vision / philosophy
- The links between: a) knowledge strategy for OD; b) knowledge strategy for programme work in the field; c) knowledge policy issues (e.g. IPRs as they relate to development)
- Where is knowledge management/sharing in development organisations is different from KM in the private sector, and where is it similar
- What is the relevance of "Northern" knowledge
- Innovation in North-South relationships
- What is the future of the donor organisation
- Deeper level of technology as enabler (perhaps as option, or a special track, as it may not be relevant for everybody)
- Other knowledge case studies outside donor organisations (e.g. Eldis, OneWorld)
- More on knowledge creation and application (heavy emphasis on knowledge sharing)
Topics that should be removed?
- Discussion on definitions
- More focused sessions (only one introduction speaker per subject and more discussion)
- The dominance of OD goals; the issue is not of our survival but our relevance to poor people
- Less time on "generic" introductions, less business analogies/slang
- Perhaps the HR-related issues were of less relevance than the codification /connection issues
Other comments?
- Very interesting workshop, well organised
- More time for reflections and discussion; cut down questions after presentations for more discussion time
- Tea breaks and interval between sessions were unrealistic! Excellent conference, though
- I learnt a lot!
- Far too much and too many presentations � need more discussion groups and workshop assignments
- Follow-up meeting (refresher + what each of us made out of this workshop); consolidation of "start-ups"
- One of the most useful workshops I have attended for many years. By far the best knowledge workshop I have attended � it has significantly helped my thinking in a number of key areas. Thanks
- Too much "downloading". A lot to digest. A useful workshop.
- Please restrict all presentations to 20 minutes maximum! Any more than that is mostly pointless. People must be brief and to the point!
- Next event should have fewer talking heads. More interaction. Probably shorter. More focus on specific collaborate tasks. But overall, a very successful event � well organised, facilitated and hosted. In fact, a great success. Well done!
- Thanks to Lyle for the excellent moderation!
- Binder is very useful; contacts were useful; case stories and benchmarking very interesting; good food for thought! A good workshop. Helps us to take the next step
- Interesting topics and dedicated speakers � Great, but: too tight a program, so much information (and knowledge) without given time to reflect. Too little table discussions. Not enough time for mingling and networking
- I find the 3 days a little bit too compact. So much information delivered in a rapidity that sometimes made me tired, especially as I am not a native English speaker. The presentations using data were so overloaded with text that I sometimes had difficulties in following what the speaker said. The audience was too diversified, which might be the result of a nor clearly identified purpose with the seminar
- The facilitator had a lot of interesting things to say and the overviews could have been used better but they were rushed through in such a hurry that it was impossible for me to digest. Group discussions could have been given more time. Otherwise I found it a very good conference and I am inspired to continue working with KM
- Expansion of CoP, particularly cross/multiple organisations
- On the whole excellent!
- Design of event included too much passive listening to presentations
- Very well done and well organised. Table discussions could have been better structured � suggest each table has a facilitator to keep it on track