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KM4Dev Annual Workshop 2005

Culture and Knowledge Sharing: Making the Invisible Visible
ILO, Geneva, Switzerland, June 20-21, 2005


Culture is an invisible force, ever present, created by our collective actions over time. Thus there are cultural dimensions to every activity we undertake. We speak of organization cultures, professional cultures, national cultures, high culture…

While this diversity is in itself fundamental to who we are, such richness is often cited as an underlying source of conflict or barrier to achieving that which we would like to accomplish. In our increasingly interconnected world, many different kinds of cultures (not just different national cultures!) are brought together and must work together productively.

Within organizations, we also speak of cultures supportive of organizational imperatives: knowledge sharing, learning, change, adaptability, flexibleness, innovation, speed, efficiency, effectiveness… As a shorthand, we refer to a culture of knowledge sharing or a culture of learning itself, for example.

Yet to foster such cultures, we cannot deal with one “culture” in isolation: there are many “cultures” at work, at work!


The workshop objectives are to understand and appreciate the cultural dimensions to your current work; to improve your ability to see multiple perspectives, multiple cultural dimensions and cultures, through exposure and practice of practical tools and techniques; and thereby improve your ability to act on facets or elements of culture, to become more active and effective in shaping the cultures that shape us.

Last updated by kmfordev admin May 21, 2009.

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