a global community
I am an anthropologist working as Technical Officer at the Lab, an ILO global initiative on market system development for decent work based in Geneva.
The Lab seeks to go beyond ‘traditional’ value chain interventions to instead take on a systemic lens that sees sectors and value chains as part of a wider system of rules, regulations and supporting functions.
To know more about the approach of market system development for decent work, have a look at the Lab's latest publication:
Before joining ILO I was Associate Programme Officer at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Rome and Tanzania working on land tenure issues and value chain development. Prior to IFAD, I have worked for UNICEF Nicaragua on the implementation of innovative design methodologies for policy-making in indigenous regions and social-entrepreneurship promotion for youth and women. I was also Principal Ethnographer for a public policy innovation firm (Policy Lab) in Colombia and Researcher for a responsible tourism initiative supported by ACRA in Ecuador.
Decent work is challenge that is both important and complex. A third of the global labour force are not earning enough to lift themselves and their families above the poverty line; three-quarters of workers in Africa and Asia are in vulnerable employment; and annually, an estimated 2.3 million people die every year from occupational accidents.…
ContinuePosted on January 9, 2020 at 11:50am
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