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“PLöRK brings PLay to wORK”
It is possible to change the world for a better in a playful way! At least that’s what we believe and therefore we started with a first experimental session on May 28 in Berlin.
A PLöRK session is a 90 minutes social event with the purpose to solve a question of a peer in a playful…
ContinuePosted on June 12, 2012 at 12:30pm
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Hey KS!
Thought I would find you ;) I hope all is well! Planning any trips to Turin? Hope to talk to you soon!
It was nice to meet and work with you at the KM4Dev workshop in Brussels. Kindly keep in touch and let us see how we could explore the subject much deeper and make a better use of the KM and KS for our community development.
Loved our conversation @ KM4Dev about the possibility to team up in the future! I would be very interested to explore this idea further!
Kind regards,