Some thoughts generated by the KM4Dev2009 EduHuddle

Getting to this a bit late, but maybe it's still of interest....a couple of threads I found interesting from the EduHuddle (attended Day 1 only) relate to capacity building, the first more around individuals and the second around organisations and networks. In a small breakout group discussion, we heard about Jocelyne Kompaore's work in Burkina Faso, where she works on providing training using a powerful model for building up training materials. This involves working with knowledge-holders (e.g., farmers who have adopted particular techniques), documentalists and intended beneficiaries of training in an integrated way to help ensure that not only high-quality training materials are produced, but that they are highly relevant to those being trained.

In that group I spoke about a KS elearning curriculum I am coordinating the production of. It is part of the IMARK series facilitated by FAO, and for sure the actual curriculum itself is only part of the puzzle. The rest involves linkages with content producers (i.e, 'knowledgeable people'), instructional designers and learners at a minimum. However, I also think such a curriculum has potential as a tool for trainers to use and there again we should be thinking about how the tool and the trainers could/should be linked. Wini Dagli interviewed me briefly on this at the KM4Dev2009 workshop:

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