April 2012 Blog Posts (10)

Portrait of the modern knowledge worker

Shameless plugging here - let me know if it bothers you ;)

From my blog, I thought this could be useful: what is the portrait of the modern knowledge worker

I can think of a few traits and characteristics that relate to the desired gifts, skills and attitudes of such a modern day knowledge worker....

Click the…


Added by Ewen Le Borgne on April 27, 2012 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

Kstar has landed! But what is it???

There is an event currently underway in Hamilton, Canada that brings together Knowledge practitioners from many different sectors to explore the concept of 'Kstar'. For those of you new to the concept, the following video provides a useful intorduction to the term:


It would be really interesting to…


Added by Andrew Clappison on April 26, 2012 at 3:42pm — No Comments

The first Francophone issue of the KM4D Journal (2011, Vol. 7, Issue 2) is now online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rkmd20/current

(re-posting Sarah Cummings's great email about this)

Just wanted to let you know that the first Francophone issue of the KM4D Journal (2011, Vol. 7, Issue 2) is now online at:http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rkmd20/current

In particular, we would like to…


Added by Ewen Le Borgne on April 26, 2012 at 9:52am — No Comments

KM4Dev Social Network Analysis - Introduction from Graham Durant-Law

(Graham Durant-Law is the consultant selected to carry out the  social network analysis (SNA) of KM4Dev.  Graham has difficulty posting on Ning at the moment so I am posting on his behalf. Over to Graham:

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Graham Durant-Law and I am an Australian. I already note from the post data that KM4Dev has been seeking greater southern…


Added by pete cranston on April 21, 2012 at 1:21pm — 2 Comments

Knowledge – based Copernican Principle applied to next gen Science

In a nutshell, the Copernican Principle mentioning there is nothing special about human and/or Earth. Regarding “Copernican Principle” applied to Quantum Physics and/or Science in general, IMHO we have at least three actions to avoid “big mistakes” in addressing  the next coming of future science   as follow :…


Added by Md Santo on April 21, 2012 at 4:30am — No Comments

Request for information on Peer to Peer Learning Network M&E indicators and Monitoring systems

Hi, I am working on a project to evaluate the Peer to Peer Learning experiences (events and network development) at a division of the IFC, and am looking for sample M&E frameworks that have been used in other settings.  I also am going to make recommendations to the group to set up a system to more systematically capture the results achieved from the Peer to Peer Learning events and network, and am also looking for experiences on what has worked for others.  Many possibilities come to…


Added by Courtney Roberts on April 18, 2012 at 7:12pm — No Comments

km I an old wine in a new bottle?

'......is this KM a new Fad, old wine in new bottles or is it a real contribution to your management thinking? It seems to me I am getting mixed signals…' 

A question posed by one of the participants following a speech I made in Khartoum a couple of weeks ago.  Read on to see how I replied


Added by Paul J Corney on April 16, 2012 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

Burkina Faso: 13e sommet de l'Information sur l'eau - Vers une harmonisation des systèmes de gestion

Par Aimé NABALOUM pour Le Pays, 11 avril 2012

Le ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'hydraulique en collaboration avec USAID WA-WASH et le consortium water web organise du 11 au 13 avril 2012 à Ouagadougou, le 13e sommet de l'Information sur l'eau.

Le sommet se donne pour objectif de rentabiliser les systèmes d'information sur l'eau à travers le thème : «…


Added by Anne MIMAULT on April 14, 2012 at 12:13pm — No Comments

E learning and knowledge management survey


I would like to request to attend this survey, the purpose of this survey is to evaluate how e learning can be used to enhance knowledge management within organisation, you positive response will be appreciated.

E learning and knowledge management survey


Added by Alain M on April 11, 2012 at 12:35pm — 1 Comment

Le Maquis des Sciences, la Science se partage sur le net

Il y a un an, le 6 avril 2011, naissait un nouveau concept de partage de connaissance sur Ouagadougou : Le Maquis des Sciences. Ce café scientifique ouagalais a depuis fait son chemin et lance pour sa 10 édition le 18 avril 2012 sa plateforme web.  

Rendez-vous mensuel proposé par l’IRD et l’Institut français, le Maquis des Sciences attire des étudiants, professionnels de la science, journalistes ou encore amateurs qui veulent comprendre le monde…


Added by Anne MIMAULT on April 9, 2012 at 6:20pm — No Comments

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